We believe in honesty and transparency to maintain an informed and healthy community. Please review our COVID-19 & illness policy below.


• If a child has symptoms of COVID-19, they must stay home, and illness details must be shared/messaged with the administrative staff via email (infowbeesforestschool@gmail.com).

• Children who have symptoms of illness (see list below) must stay home from school until they are symptom-free 24 hours without the use of medication. We highly recommend a rapid COVID-19 test.

Illness Symptoms:

▪ Fever of 100.4 or chills

▪ Cough

▪ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

▪ Flushed cheeks without exertion of activity

▪ Extreme fussiness

▪ Fatigue

▪ Muscle or body aches

▪ Headache

▪ New loss of taste or smell

▪ Sore throat

▪ Congestion or green / yellow runny nose

▪ Nausea or vomiting

▪ Diarrhea

Emergency Care will be called for in case of the following:

▪ Trouble breathing

▪ Persistent pain or pressure in the chest

▪ New confusion

▪ Inability to wake or stay awake

▪ Bluish lips or face


• If a member of the child’s household tests positive for Covid-19, the child is considered an on-going close-contact and they are highly encouraged to stay home from school for 5 days from the positive test. They can return if they remain symptom-free, with a negative rapid Covid test.

• If a child tests positive for Covid-19, they must stay home from school for 5 days from the positive test (test date counts as day 0). The child will be allowed to return to school if symptoms are resolved on day 6. You must inform us if your child tests positive for Covid-19.

Community Agreements:

• We will be transparent with our school community and let our families know when there has been a positive case of Covid-19 or other illness that is affecting the classroom at large. This will be shared via email.

• We expect families to be fully transparent with the administration by informing us if your child is ill, considered a close-contact, and/or if a household member has tested positive for Covid-19 or any other contagious disease/parasite such as Coxsackie, lice, hookworm, etc.

COVID-19 & Illness Policy