Our Philosophy

Their own blueprint for learning

We believe the most important skill that we can offer our students is the ability to develop their own blueprint as a learner. Children learn to trust and follow their interests and see failures and “whoopsies” as moments of learning.

Child’s inner love for learning

We create learning environments that fosters a child’s inner love for learning naturally. We do this through a hands-on, self-paced, collaborative, challenging, and joyful Montessori community. Children become independent and internally driven to take risks. 

Divergent thinking leads to creative problem solving

Montessori inspires divergent thinking rather than convergent thinking. Our children learn to follow their inquiries and approach problems through multiple methods and solutions. They become creative problem solvers! 

Sensory learning for little scientists

Our students play and learn using all of their senses and experience the world through their hands. Children are natural little scientists. 

Empathetic stewards for the environment

The Montessori curriculum focuses on the development of the whole child while our nature-based curriculum and foresting play help our children learn their place in the world. We endeavor to create empathetic stewards for an environmentally and socially conscious world.

“Whoever touches the life of a child touches the most sensitive point of a whole which has roots in the most distant past and climbs toward the infinite future.”

- Dr. Maria Montessori


  • We value all aspects of each child: cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

  • We follow children’s interests and abilities in order to effectively scaffold, accommodate, and challenge their intellectual, physical, and social experiences.

  • We encourage and strive for children’s independence while continually fostering vibrant daily interactions amongst peers and teachers.

  • We cultivate values of respect and empathy towards one another, the larger community, and nature.

  • We believe that a connection to nature, daily fresh air, and opportunities for play are crucial in the process of nurturing the whole child.

  • We believe creative expression is critically important for children and adults alike and therefore integrate music, movement, and arts as ways to help our children express themselves creatively.