Let’s Play!

We embrace the power of play each and everyday. Whether that be in the midst of a giant tower of blocks or a bustling play kitchen serving up a delicious meal, we understand that children are practicing and learning a variety of skills as they play. Whether it be in the classroom or at our community greenspaces, we encourage our students to explore their imagination, be their candid selves, and embody their playfulness to the fullest.

Play embodies the necessary properties for active learning:

  • children can take an active role in the learning environment

  • they are engaged

  • information is meaningful

  • learners interact in a social context

Play is also a necessary part of brain development in early childhood. Apart from providing opportunities for physical, social, and cultural development, it strengthens cognitive abilities and activates a wide range of brain regions that are linked to language, emotions, memory, and creativity.

Whether it’s inside the classroom or outside at our local parks, we welcome all of the benefits that play brings to each and every child. From using all of our senses, to engaging in negotiations and communication of thoughts and emotions, play gives children the foundation to exercise some of the most important qualities of the human experience.

Play Resources